The Wilderness…

Jesus went into the wilderness often, why is this? And should we go?

For this is the one referred to by Isaiah the prophet when he said,“The voice of one crying in the wilderness, ‘Make ready the way of the Lord, Make His paths straight!’ Matthew 3:3

“Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led around by the Spirit in the wilderness.” Luke 4:1

Life can be hectic, Yes…Just admit it, it can…we can’t all find the time to sit down and read the Bible and drink hot tea while we meditate on the word and pray all of the time. I’m extremely honest about this, I’m honest because I am compelled not to be a hypocrite about the situation. It takes some serious dedication and work to make time for scripture and prayer, and it is a true journey for any Christian, no matter how mature they feel they are in their walk

I make it a point not to judge no one who can’t read the word and pray every single day, especially if they have children, a stressful jobs and various complex situations at play in their lives. Jesus came up against so much opposition on his journey here on earth that he had to actually go into the wilderness to escape it all, and not just once, but, on several occasions. How was this possible? I know it was mostly because he dedicated his entire life to his ministry and was willing to die for it; but, what about the rest of us? what can we do when we face constant opposition? where can we go? we just can’t leave our daily lives and the ones who depend on us to pray and find peace, even if just for a moment? (but, let me share with you; that we must) I believe that this wilderness for us is spiritual, it is spiritual and we must find it wherever, and whenever we can, we must also seek the HOLY GHOST for wisdom, strength and guidance as well.


Man vs. Wild…..